Smart Streets- There's an App for That
- Heather Davis
- Transportation & Public Works
These days everything seems to be connected. You can connect your home appliances to your WiFi network and even remotely start your car from the touch of your mobile phone. Technology is used in almost every element of our lives. Why not apply this technology to our streets as well? Local agencies are beginning to adopt Complete Streets policies that provide alternative modes of transportation for all users. The next evolution in transportation is to integrate technology with Complete Streets principles to create a transportation system that is accessible and reliable. It’s time to start thinking of Complete Streets as Smart Streets.
How to Hire the Right Consultant
- Derrick Smith
- Transportation & Public Works
About a year ago we introduced a small eBook on this blog called “Hire the Right Consultant: 6 Tips for Public Agencies to Write a Killer RFP.” The eBook was our attempt to help agencies write proposals that are clear and will elicit the strongest responses from consultants.
It's All in How You Sell It (Tip #8 in Your PI Toolbox)
- Lisa Schauer
- Transportation & Public Works, Public Involvement
Your tool kit is complete. You have your marketing/outreach plan, a brand for the project, a website to share what's happening with your project, a database to record who you spoke with, duct tape to ensure you listen completely, tennis shoes to help you connect in person, and a partner in the media to broadcast the stories you collect. Now what? It's time to sell.
Beyond Bike Lanes: How to Improve Bicycle Safety at Intersections
- Andrew Holder
- Transportation & Public Works
As a longtime bike commuter I have watched with great interest as the design of bicycle facilities has evolved in recent years. Traditional bike lanes were a welcome addition and a good place to start, but often were not addressed through street intersections, leading to confusion and potentially unsafe conditions when bike and vehicle traffic mix. The lack of clear guidance at these conventional intersections may also contribute to a high rate of cyclists ignoring traffic signs and signals, which we’ve all seen. My colleague Jim Sandlin has previously discussed how roundabouts offer safer bicycle conditions at intersections. However, most intersections are controlled via a stoplight or a stop sign. Let’s look at some of the best new ways to integrate bike traffic in intersections.
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