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Can Complete Streets and Freight Mobility Coexist? (Part 3): Developing Solutions with a Corridor Study

This post continues our series discussing the transformation of Main Street into a Complete Street in communities where Main Street serves as both a multi-modal local route and a state highway with high volumes of freight traffic. Our first post, The Evolution of Main Street, defined the problem and the second, Implementing a Complete Street Policy, looked at the role policy can play. In this post I am going to discuss how we can develop solutions by performing a corridor study.


Can Complete Streets and Freight Mobility Coexist? (Part 2): Implementing a Complete Street Policy

Our Cities have built themselves around a street serving dual purposes. This street is attempting to serve as both Main Street and highway. As Main Street it strives to be the hub of a community, surrounded by commercial development and acting as a community gathering place. This purpose requires mobility for all users. As highway it strives for safe, reliable, timely and efficient through-travel. This purpose requires freight movement to deliver goods and services that these communities rely on.


Can Complete Streets and Freight Mobility Coexist?: The Evolution of Main Street

We’ve all experienced it, driving along a highway at 55mph when the speed suddenly drops to 25mph and you’ve arrived at Any Town, America. This town may be a tourist destination or just another blink along your route, but while there you will surely find some form of shopping, restaurants, and entertainment along the way to entice you to stop, visit, and spend. This is because we built our communities around transportation routes starting with wagon trails, then railroads, followed by streets and highways.

Punch the Gas Tax - What Does It Cost You?

Lawmakers are in the news lately with transportation funding packages that include an increased gas tax. In Washington State, an additional gas tax was passed that will make its tax the third highest in the country. As with most tax issues, folks typically line up on their respective side of the aisle for or against it. As an advocate for transportation infrastructure, I'd encourage you to take a look at the numbers and decide....does it seem like a fair price to you?


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