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Constructive Candor

Remember 1993 When the Gas Tax was Last Raised?

With tax day in our rear view mirror for this year, it seems a fitting time to talk about taxes for the road ahead of us – literally the road ahead of us: our nation’s transportation system.


Separated Bike Lanes: How a Dutch Intersection Works

This is the final post in our series covering separated bike lanes. Previous posts covered the options available for providing them and their low impact development (LID) stormwater implications. This post will address how to handle and maintain separated bike lanes at an intersection with the use of a Protected Intersection, a.k.a. Dutch Intersection, on a project.


Separated Bike Lanes: The Next Step in Road Design Evolution

This post is the first in a three-part series covering a new alternative being considered for street sections, the separated bike lane. This post will cover the basic concepts and options for how bike lanes can be separated. Future posts will cover the challenges and opportunities related to Low Impact Development (LID) Stormwater and Protected (Dutch) Intersection design.


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