Got Entitlements?
What are Entitlements?
Entitlements for a commercial or industrial development include Site Plan and SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) approvals from the agency that regulates the property. Typical site plans will show the proposed building square footage, parking and drive aisles for both cars and trucks, storm drainage facilities, landscape, buffers and setbacks. In some jurisdictions, SEPA may require a preliminary fill and grade plan. These approvals also require consultant studies, such as, traffic studies, storm drainage analysis and wetlands.
Site plan and SEPA approvals can be completed for an assumed maximum build-out of the site and the addendums can be approved by the agency issuing the original approvals.
Addendums allow the property owner to tailor existing entitlements to meet the needs of a development proposal when the opportunity arises. This saves time and allows more predictability in the process.
What Benefits do Entitlements Provide a Buyer or Tenant?
4 Steps for Incorporating Inclusive Design Elements into Park Systems
- Bryan Cole
- Land Development, Urban Parks & Recreation
Inclusive design encourages equality of play opportunity for all ages and abilities. Incorporating inclusive design elements within our park systems can provide a better quality of life for our communities. I think a lot of us know this, but project deadlines and budgets sometimes prevent a park from living up to its full potential.
5 Myths about Low Impact Development (LID) De-bunked
- Paul Harmsen
- Transportation & Public Works, Land Development, Residential Land Development, Commercial/Industrial Land Development
Recently, Bryan Cole wrote a blog post that defined Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development (LID) and discussed the benefits of Green Infrastructure thinking. Over the years, I’ve encountered a number of skeptics when it comes to integrating Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development practices into design.
What I’ve found is that there are many misconceptions, or myths, about Low Impact Development and a lot of confusion. There are numerous benefits to using LID practices, and today I’ll address some of the most common myths I've heard.
Why We Love Green Infrastructure (And You Should, Too!)
- Bryan Cole
- Transportation & Public Works, Land Development, Residential Land Development, Commercial/Industrial Land Development
Whenever possible, we choose Low Impact Development or “Green Infrastructure” approaches for our transportation, land development, and site development design projects. We love "Green Infrastructure” solutions and think you should too!
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