Brand Your Public Involvement Project (Tip #2 in PI Toolbox)
- Hollie Logan
- Transportation & Public Works, Public Involvement
In our previous post from our PI Toolbox Series, we shared with you Step 1 - Developing a Marketing Plan. Now, we will be discussing establishing a “brand” for your project.
These tips will assist you in connecting with stakeholders and garnering public attention. Brands are powerful for communicating the purpose of your project and the goals you hope to achieve.
The following are 5 steps we recommend you follow to support your public involvement effort:
1. What’s in a name?
Project names for agency contracts can often be technical in nature and too descriptive. Create a short, memorable phrase that is “catchy” and will represent the goals of the project. Use the phrase anytime you reference the project in public and as a team. The media will likely pick it up and use it as well.
Build Your Public Involvement Roadmap by Asking 5 Simple Questions (Tip #1 in PI Toolbox)
- Lisa Schauer
- Transportation & Public Works, Public Involvement
Last month I shared the most important PI Tool is the power of connection. I also committed to sharing Public Involvement tips that will offer insight and suggestions to create and add to your Public Involvement toolbox. Let's start with Tip #1!
The Most Effective Public Involvement Tool: The Power of Connection
- Lisa Schauer
- Transportation & Public Works, Public Involvement
Public involvement at its core means to involve the public. Public involvement is really about creating a connection, listening and responding. The challenge is that creating connections is as different as each of us. It cannot possibly be a one size fits all approach. It is simply not a checklist with tasks. It is about people with different perspectives, different experiences, different opinions. The most talented and skilled Public Involvement communicators are chameleons. They can juggle the needs of many, with an extensive toolbox at their ready.
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