In our previous post from our PI Toolbox Series, we shared with you Step 1 - Developing a Marketing Plan. Now, we will be discussing establishing a “brand” for your project.
These tips will assist you in connecting with stakeholders and garnering public attention. Brands are powerful for communicating the purpose of your project and the goals you hope to achieve.
The following are 5 steps we recommend you follow to support your public involvement effort:
1. What’s in a name?
Project names for agency contracts can often be technical in nature and too descriptive. Create a short, memorable phrase that is “catchy” and will represent the goals of the project. Use the phrase anytime you reference the project in public and as a team. The media will likely pick it up and use it as well.
2. How do you look?
Establish colors that will make identifying your project easy. Make it complimentary with your agency brand and always include your agency logo. Commit to a color palette that is appropriate, but catches the eye - stay away from trendy colors!
3. Stick to your guidelines.
It may not seem like it matters, but establishing and utilizing consistent templates will assist in keeping stakeholders engaged. If it’s a form with a different look or feel every time you reach out to them, they could get frustrated and disengage all together. Use the same font or typography in all communication. Make sure it is clear and easy to read.
4. How do you talk?
Develop consistent messaging you can arm your project ambassadors with to help you reach the public. Having a cohesive message developed for team members establishes a positive reputation for the project and your agency. It also provides your staff the support to speak confidently when approached with inquiries.
5. Express Yourself!
Now that you have established your visual and verbal standards, you can begin promoting your project and launch your communications and outreach plan. Your stakeholders and the community will be eager to participate in providing feedback and seeing what innovative project your agency is recommending next!
Don’t be overwhelmed by the “marketing” of your project. This can be done in a very cost effective and efficient manner. Rely on your agency public information, economic development and / or marketing staff to help you through the process. Or of course, you can reach out to an experienced consultant to help you through the process.
E-mail me with questions or comments about these steps. I look forward to hearing from you. Watch for our 3rd tool in our PI Toolbox, Establishing a Project Website, coming soon!
Photo credits: www.canstockphoto.com
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