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Brand Your Public Involvement Project (Tip #2 in PI Toolbox)

In our previous post from our PI Toolbox Series, we shared with you Step 1 - Developing a Marketing Plan. Now, we will be discussing establishing a “brand” for your project. 

These tips will assist you in connecting with stakeholders and garnering public attention. Brands are powerful for communicating the purpose of your project and the goals you hope to achieve.

The following are 5 steps we recommend you follow to support your public involvement effort:

1.  What’s in a name? 

Project names for agency contracts can often be technical in nature and too descriptive. Create a short, memorable phrase that is “catchy” and will represent the goals of the project. Use the phrase anytime you reference the project in public and as a team. The media will likely pick it up and use it as well.


Four Tips for User Friendly and Maintainable Fish Facilities

Have you spent significant dollars constructing your fish facilities only to spend additional monies later to modify or have the operation and maintenance (O&M) staff “jerry rig” something so it will operate as needed?

You’re not alone.  Fish facilities are often complex projects with a multitude of electrical, mechanical and other moving parts. Modifications during or after construction can be considerably more expensive especially on these facilities which are often in remote locations, so you want to get it right the first time.

You spend significant time and money planning, permitting, designing and constructing fish facilities.  Often times O&M staff will make modifications using simple materials such as plywood and pulleys. While these modifications are generally low cost and functional, the materials may not stand up over time.  The following tips will help you get it right the first time and avoid costly repairs and frustrated O&M staff.


4 Steps for Incorporating Inclusive Design Elements into Park Systems

Inclusive design encourages equality of play opportunity for all ages and abilities. Incorporating inclusive design elements within our park systems can provide a better quality of life for our communities. I think a lot of us know this, but project deadlines and budgets sometimes prevent a park from living up to its full potential.


4 Factors to Consider Before You Start Your Recreation Design Project

Do you struggle with where to start when it comes to making the required upgrades to existing recreation facilities? If so, you're not alone. The process to renew these facilities can be daunting. 

Since these recreation improvements are typically located along a shoreline, there are often several permitting agencies that provide input, direction and approval to construct your recreation project. With that in mind, let me share with you four key factors to consider prior to starting your recreation design, which will help to avoid problems down the road.


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