10 Tips to Ensure Effective On-Site Safety Discussions
- Heath Mellotte
- Energy, Energy Generation
Safety is Job #1 for everyone on your team: employees, consultants and especially your contractors. Your contractors should be running effective meetings to set the proper tone for safety on your sites. These meetings are a valuable way to teach best practices, share lessons learned and make your team aware of potentially hazardous job site activities.
5 Myths about Low Impact Development (LID) De-bunked
- Paul Harmsen
- Transportation & Public Works, Land Development, Residential Land Development, Commercial/Industrial Land Development
Recently, Bryan Cole wrote a blog post that defined Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development (LID) and discussed the benefits of Green Infrastructure thinking. Over the years, I’ve encountered a number of skeptics when it comes to integrating Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development practices into design.
What I’ve found is that there are many misconceptions, or myths, about Low Impact Development and a lot of confusion. There are numerous benefits to using LID practices, and today I’ll address some of the most common myths I've heard.
Why Roundabouts? [Infographic]
- Derrick Smith
- Transportation & Public Works
Roundabouts are an efficient and extremely cost effective transportation intersection improvement.
Of course, they aren't a one-size-fits-all solution, but they do help solve challenging intersection and road design problems. They also move traffic extremely well.
That being said, it often takes time for the public to warm up to them. No doubt you've attended a public meeting and have heard from the naysayers. So, in an effort to help you sell the concept, we've put together the following infographic based on facts from the Washington State Department of Transportation and the US Department of Transportation.
Seven Tips for Building Relationships with Property Owners along Your Transmission Lines
- Zack Martin
- Energy, Energy Transmission & Distribution
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