3 Keys for Successful Mitigation in Harsh Climates
- Bryan Cole
- Energy, Shoreline Recreation
For almost every shoreline recreation facility we have completed, the reviewing agencies have required mitigation for the impacts as part of the permit approval process. Many of these projects are located in harsh climates with unrelenting heat, fluctuating reservoir levels, and high winds during the growing season. Permits normally require plant monitoring and replacement to meet specific survivability ratios, which is no easy task in harsh climates.
In my experience, there are three keys to providing successful mitigation in these areas.
Operations Staff: Involve Them Early or Pay the Price
- Bryan Cole
- Energy, Urban Parks & Recreation, Shoreline Recreation
Some lessons are learned the hard way.
The Often Overlooked Key to Street Tree Survival
- Bryan Cole
- Transportation & Public Works
One of the main design elements for any successful road project is the street trees. Some may look at street trees as an afterthought, but they shouldn’t. Street trees serve many important functions such as creating shade (minimizing heat island effect), enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the street, providing habitat for birds and other wildlife within developed areas, and adding to the value of nearby homes and businesses.
Because of all the benefits provided by street trees – especially mature trees – maximizing survival rates is a top priority. When considering the keys to street tree survival, species selection is obviously important, but if there is one thing I have learned over the years it is that for successful planting you must start with the soil.
A Lesson Worth Repeating: 4 Factors to Consider Before You Start Your Recreation Design Project
- Bryan Cole
- Energy, Shoreline Recreation
Recreation facilities are vital components of a hydropower system because they're how the public most directly connects with your work. Having designed many recreation facilities myself over the years, I've learned some valuable lessons, one of which is that starting the project correctly is key to success in the end. I'd like to once again share a helpful post I originally wrote last year, because in my experience this is a lesson worth repeating.
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