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ADA Compliance: Is Your Campsite Fully Inclusive?

Many agencies may feel a little overwhelmed when they first look at their aging campgrounds and are told to bring them up to current ADA regulations. You want to maintain the natural character of the campground without turning it into a concrete jungle. After all, the natural environment is why the public has been coming there for years. So, where do you start?


Common Mistakes Found in Recreation Facilities: ADA Parking Requirements

Regulations included in the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design outline minimum accessibility requirements for parking lots in public recreation facilities. Though, all too often, when inspecting existing recreation facilities we come across some common ADA parking stall design problems that can significantly impact ease of use and inclusiveness for all users.

Most of the following issues are easily remedied and should be considered when creating your ADA compliance checklist


Is your Recreation Facility ADA Compliant?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that we provide recreation facilities that are accessible to all people, including those with disabilities. However, it can be daunting to understand and then implement the extensive laws and standards that govern ADA compliance.  


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