One Agency's Success With Innovative LID Solutions - Case Study
- Lisa Stenberg
- Transportation & Public Works
Updated June 10, 2016
The use of Low Impact Development (LID) techniques for treating and disposing of stormwater is gaining popularity. However, many people remain hesitant to implement LID. Questions persist about LID performance, maintenance, and costs because many of these questions can only be answered through experience and firsthand implementation. It’s a circular process where only a few venture to use LID because of the uncertainties. However, the unknowns that deter others can only be resolved through greater use of LID techniques.
The City of Puyallup, WA is trying to break this cycle. Programs like Puyallup’s Rain Garden Program and Get Disconnected demonstrate the City’s commitment to finding new, innovative ways of managing stormwater. In 2014, myself and a few other MacKay Sposito staff had the privilege of seeing firsthand several successfully implemented LID technologies. City of Puyallup staff were able to showcase several projects and provided insights into the performance and maintenance costs of installed LID solutions.
Five Advantages Roundabouts Offer Cyclists Over Conventional Intersections
- Jim Sandlin
- Transportation & Public Works
As a design professional and avid cyclist, I often find myself analyzing and assessing the level of risk I have while on my bike. For example, I am a fairly confident cyclist comfortable merging with traffic and navigating busy intersections when I am alone. However, when riding with less confident riders such as my children, I look for safer routes that often even include riding on sidewalks and crossing at crosswalks.
Use Duct Tape (Tip #6 in PI Toolbox)
- Lisa Schauer
- Transportation & Public Works, Public Involvement
Duct tape was originally invented to tightly bind together two objects. This tape was made differently from the standard scotch tape or masking tape. Developed to be durable, stronger and more reliable. You just couldn't break this tape. Did you know as a Public Involvement facilitator you may need to use duct tape to accomplish your job?
Practical Solutions for Saving Lives and Money
- Paul Smith
- Transportation & Public Works
Infrastructure demands on our local and state transportation divisions continue to exceed our nation’s financial resources. Departments of Transportation around the country face the challenges of deteriorating infrastructure, increasing maintenance costs and decreasing budgets. What’s more, most states have adopted Toward Zero Deaths initiatives, such as Washington State’s Target Zero. Funds are extremely limited and goals are admirably high. In this environment it is vital that we maximize our limited transportation dollars and choose projects and design elements that make the most significant difference in keeping our friends and neighbors safe.
Maximizing safety and performance while minimizing costs is at the heart of our MacKay Sposito Practical Solutions commitment. Roundabouts are one of the most effective ways of improving both safety and performance, while keeping an eye on the bottom line to ensure the intersection design results in cost-effective solutions.
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