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To Build a Village

We’ve all heard the old saying that it takes a village to raise a child. Today, I wanted to write about what my experience has taught me about what it takes to build a village.


Embrace the Drone

If you bring up the topic of drones in random conversation, you’re likely to receive a variety of responses. Some will be excited at the possibilities. Some will express hesitancy until the rules have been cleared up. And some will issue stern warnings about a dystopian future where our every step is watched by machines in the sky.

Count me as a member of the excited group.


What Can You Do With Roundabout Real Estate?

Agencies all over the world are looking to roundabout art to provide aesthetically pleasing options to roundabout real estate that is otherwise difficult to maintain. As we continue along our Roads 2.0 series, I’d like to share a Q/A session I had with Brad Emerson, Special Projects Director with the City of Bend, Oregon regarding their successful roundabout art program.

Upon arrival into Bend, I stopped into the “Visit Bend” visitor center, picked up a map showcasing their collection and participated in a self-guided tour of their “Roundabout Art Route”.   They have turned these impressive works of art into an opportunity to promote tourism.  It also provides a firsthand look into the infrastructure changes and growth happening within their community.


The Secret to Roundabouts is Triangular

Two of the biggest benefits of roundabouts over traditional intersections are 1) reduced delay to traffic, and 2) improved safety through less severe crashes. And while the shape we most often associate with roundabouts is the circle, these two benefits can be attributed to another shape...the triangle.


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