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Take the Critical Path Less Traveled: Two Simple Project Schedule Checks

Last year I wrote an article called Two Simple Checks to Verify the Validity of Your Project's Schedule. With the prime construction season just around the corner, I thought this would be a great time to offer those tips once again. I hope you find them helpful!


How to Hire the Right Consultant

About a year ago we introduced a small eBook on this blog called “Hire the Right Consultant: 6 Tips for Public Agencies to Write a Killer RFP.” The eBook was our attempt to help agencies write proposals that are clear and will elicit the strongest responses from consultants.


When Comparing Potential Land Purchases, Look Beyond the Land Price

canstockphoto16608162_(1)When comparing competing sites for land acquisition, it is very important to analyze all of the site specific costs to make a true comparison. The price per square foot for the real estate is just part of the picture. It’s also essential to consider the project-specific costs so the sites can be compared side by side.

There are many different “hidden” costs that can apply to a site, but here are some of the most common.


It's All in How You Sell It (Tip #8 in Your PI Toolbox)

Your tool kit is complete. You have your marketing/outreach plan, a brand for the project, a website to share what's happening with your project, a database to record who you spoke with, duct tape to ensure you listen completely, tennis shoes to help you connect in person, and a partner in the media to broadcast the stories you collect. Now what? It's time to sell.    


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