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Embrace the Drone

If you bring up the topic of drones in random conversation, you’re likely to receive a variety of responses. Some will be excited at the possibilities. Some will express hesitancy until the rules have been cleared up. And some will issue stern warnings about a dystopian future where our every step is watched by machines in the sky.

Count me as a member of the excited group.


Maximizing the Value of Your Proposal Review Process

You’ve spent the time and resources to develop a project from design through requesting offers. Don’t squander those efforts by shorting yourself during the proposal review process. Contractors have taken the time to carefully read your request for offers (RFO) and to put together a package that details how they are the best fit for your project.


Is Your Rec Site Too Constrained to Use Asphalt for ADA Accessible Paths?

Asphalt can be an attractive and economical choice for accessible pathways, but it's not without its challenges and limitations. These days, more scrutiny is placed on whether or not accessible routes have been constructed in accordance with regulatory requirements. If your proposed accessible routes are constrained to near maximum slopes, you should consider utilizing concrete instead, or plan on extensive measures before and during paving to increase the chances of success.


Is Your UAV Vendor Properly Insured to Mitigate Risks?

Drone / UAV technology is a boon to our industry and the technology is providing high quality and cost-effective data acquisition. However, there are significant risks associated with the use of UAV, making it essential that your vendor is properly insured to mitigate these risks.


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