4 Factors to Consider Before You Start Your Recreation Design Project
- Bryan Cole
- Energy, Shoreline Recreation
Do you struggle with where to start when it comes to making the required upgrades to existing recreation facilities? If so, you're not alone. The process to renew these facilities can be daunting.
Since these recreation improvements are typically located along a shoreline, there are often several permitting agencies that provide input, direction and approval to construct your recreation project. With that in mind, let me share with you four key factors to consider prior to starting your recreation design, which will help to avoid problems down the road.
Our Nation's Infrastructure Investment Would Disappoint My Great-Grandparents
- Derrick Smith
- Transportation & Public Works, Energy, Energy Transmission & Distribution, Energy Generation
Yesterday I made my weekly commute through the Columbia River Gorge. The Gorge is beautiful and impressive. Beautiful for its great canyons, mighty river, expanse of forests, and waterfalls. Impressive because of the hydroelectric dams, wind generation, highway, river and rail transportation systems.
I've made this trip along the Washington/Oregon border so many times that the enormity of it often passes unnoticed. Perhaps most dramatic, the Bonneville Dam, sits in an amazing setting of cliffs, trees, and river pools. Built in 1929, this Dam provides 1,000 MW of renewable energy to the Pacific Northwest and beyond. The dam is also skirted by the impressive Historic Columbia River Highway and newer Interstate 84.
Discover the Hidden Advantages to Outsourcing Your Construction Management
- Rob Palena
- Energy, Energy Transmission & Distribution, Energy Generation
The decision to use an outside firm to perform construction management and/or inspection on your projects is sometimes an obvious one. The common problems that owners face include:
Hiring and firing staff to cover temporary upswings in construction volume
Inefficient staff utilization in between projects
Projects with specialized construction techniques or heightened regulatory compliance that exceed the capabilities of in-house staff inspectors
If your group has experienced any of these, you’re probably already familiar with the reasons for hiring a consultant. However, there are some not so obvious advantages that are also worth considering.
10 Tips to Ensure Effective On-Site Safety Discussions
- Heath Mellotte
- Energy, Energy Generation
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