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Getting Ahead of the LID Curve

Recently, Paul Harmsen wrote a blog post about Low Impact Development (LID) Implementation in Washington with important dates when the new standards will take effect. While the new standards apply only to Washington for now, other states are certain to follow suit. For many agencies, the new regulations will mean a lot of work added to staff members who already have full plates. Fortunately, we know the requirements are coming, and the best way to streamline and simplify the process is to be prepared.


Building Relationships with Property Owners: 7 Tips for Success

Last year I provided Seven Tips for Building Relationships with Property Owners along Your Transmission Lines, which is a topic we deal with on a consistent basis. I’ve updated that original post based on some of the responses we received. While there’s no way to guarantee a positive outcome, these simple tips can help make a positive outcome more likely. Good luck! 


Think Beyond the Automobile

There’s something wrong with how we are taught to approach street design in America. The conventional transportation mindset dictates high speed and level of service for cars over long distances, which requires large arterial roads. Unfortunately, this approach ignores other modes of transportation such as bicycling and walking. While there’s a lot of talk about complete streets these days, I believe too often the conversation is still focused on cars.


Are you Pro-Actively Tracking?


A0024_N5_webviewIn my last blog post entitled "Are we ready for the Hydropower Wave" I touched on how our existing hydro infrastructure is reaching the limits of its intended life and how there is a huge need to reinvest in this important regional resource. I also posed several difficult questions aimed at provoking thoughts and ideas about how the region plans to rejuvenate hydro plants and transmission systems with mounting pressure on shrinking or stagnant capital budgets. One of the keys to keeping ahead of this curve is to have a solid and well-managed maintenance and equipment tracking system that will save you time and capital dollars by improving the timing and replacement of these critical pieces of electrical and ancillary equipment at your facilities.


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