With America’s love of the automobile and its culture, it’s fitting that the bumper sticker is a place for some profound self-expression. On your personal vehicle this usually manifests itself as your favorite sports team or every four years as a reflection of your political leaning. On company vehicles, the only bumper stickers you're likely to see are the famous “How’s my Driving?” sticker.
At MacKay Sposito, our company vehicles have a bumper sticker on them that says, “We Support Our Troops.” This bumper sticker is more than just a passing phrase. It’s a symbol of what has shaped the culture of the company and a reflection of our actions.
It’s a culture shaped by having many employees in the company who have served in the military--including two of our four presidents. Those who have worn the boots and served our Nation, or have family that have, know the sense of pride you get by being part of a great organization. We’ve got that same sense of pride about working at MacKay Sposito, for many of the same reasons. It really boils down to a few simple things being part of the culture:
- Being committed to doing the right thing for your people and the community
- Being selflessly dedicated to accomplishing the task at hand
- Knowing how to take your work seriously, but not taking yourself too seriously
They are reflected in the actions our company's Veteran’s Support Council takes as they seek opportunities to support active duty military members, veterans and their families. With the Veteran’s Support Council providing scholarships, sponsoring events and spearheading fundraisers, the rubber meets the road.
So the next time you see a MacKay Sposito rig driving down the street, notice that sticker and remember what’s behind it.
Zack Martin
Design Project Manager, Member of the MacKay Sposito Veteran's Support Council
Connect with Zack via email at: zmartin@mackaysposito.com or on LinkedIN