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Legislative Outlook 2015

  • Hollie Logan
  • Dec 17, 2014 2:14:36 PM


Friday morning, December 12, we were proud to be the presenting sponsor for the jointly hosted Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, Columbia River Economic Development Council, and Identity Clark County 2015 Legislative Outlook Breakfast.  We have supported this event for several years, demonstrating our encouragement to our local legislators and elected leaders to keep Clark County's business interests at the forefront of their minds.  

Tim was given an opportunity to speak to the audience where he emphasized the positive outlook for our industry and the economy in the coming year.  He also mentioned our 40th anniversary and our legacy of community involvement! 

Southwest Washington's Business Community Priorities include (as presented by the hosting organizations):

1)  Infrastructure - the ability to build and sustain the economy of Southwest Washington is directly tied to the quality of infrastructure.  We have written posts in the past on our Constructive Candor blog emphasizing just how important our nation's backbone of infrastructure is to jobs and a healthy economy.  In fact, many felt passionately about transportation (see photo of former County Commission Ed Barnes holding up the Transportation Now sign!).    

2)  Economic Development - Clark County's unemployment rate still remains higher than the state average.  Our ability to compete as businesses is compromised when we don't have the tools and initiatives for business to expand their effectiveness in growing the local economy.

3)  Education and Workforce - Southwest Washington requires a full set of educational opportunities to support a well-prepared workforce.  Education is one of our three primary areas of giving and we will continue to foster a culture internally and in our communities valuing education.

5)  Environment - We will remain strong environmental stewards by supporting sound environmental policy that can co-exist with economic development. 

Lisa Schauer, Damon Webster, Kris Strickler and Laura Piltz hosted our two tables of community members.  At MacKay Sposito, we know the value of the job our elected officials have.  We also recognize the job is daunting.  It is our responsibility as a thriving business to share our voice in Olympia and Salem ensuring policies that will help our business continue to grow are at the forefront of policy makers' minds and that they can rely on us to be present.  

