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It’s Chili in Kennewick!

1-404325081338Last Wednesday the "Chili Dog Express" made an inaugural stop in Kennewick. 

It was all the same tasty stuff that has become the “industry standard” in Vancouver, just scaled down to meet the appetite demands of the smaller crew in Kennewick.  

Rich did all the prep work and had things ready to go just before noon (Thanks Rich!). It also helped that Paul pulled together the chili and fired up the crock pot earlier that morning so that critical ingredient had time to heat up. 

2-1Unlike the controlled chaos that is chili dog day in Vancouver (think mosh pit) the Kennewick event should have been accompanied by chamber music as it was a few minutes after noon before I decided to spur things along and invite people to partake. Granted, it’s a much smaller crowd and no one was in danger of coming away empty handed so the calm (and not a storm) was understandable. 

3-2Everyone got to create their own masterpiece (or two!) and we gathered in the conference room to feast and visit (no shop talk). Hollie's story about her kids discovering Star Wars was great.  

As Rich would say, “Another successful Chili Dog Day!”

Topics: Employee Event